
As part of our Multi-platform Game Development module we were tasked to create a video game using the Unity engine and C#. I led our team in creating a third-person, isometric stealth strategy game. A series of missions will be offered to the players where resources and intel are provided through each level. Players control a box that is out to take revenge against Company A. They must use the resources at their disposal to avoid or takedown enemies and traps and navigate further into Company A’s headquarters. Each mission is scored based on how stealthy the players conducted themselves. A timer is also recorded for each level to encourage players to try new strategies and beat their own records. Players can take advantage of several camera perspectives to plan strategies including the traditional third person mode and top down isometric view the latter being provided by an X-Ray drone that can slightly be controlled to rotate angles from above. This provides an enriching experience as players who utilise this tool are rewarded by finding paths or items to help them complete levels faster.

You can download the game and run it on PC: (Download Game Here) and view the source code in GitHub here

Here is a short demo of the game:


Revenge of the Box starts the player outside the headquarters of Company A after a short cutscene see Figure 1. The player must progress through Company A’s floors and avoid the enemy. The main player will have various perspectives to choose from such as third-person or isometric views. These will help guide the players to the end goal, the perspective change can give the player an advantage where they might not normally see something from one perspective but find it in another perspective, this encourages the player to change perspective and observe enemy patterns. Throughout all the levels you can pick up a gun and shoot the enemies and traps, but this is discouraged as you will lose points for not being stealthy. In addition your score determines how you’re currently doing on a level, there are various states the user can experience whilst playing such as : ‘Perfect Stealth’, ‘Good Stealth’, ‘OK Stealth’ and ‘Abysmal Stealth’, the score changes based on how much damage the player and actions the player has taken upon getting to the end of the level. Getting caught doesn’t change the status but sends you back to the beginning of the level allowing the player to get better in their approach.